Registration Terms
The Elon Report is only available to users who are at least 13 years old; if you register, you represent that you are this age or older.
These Terms of Service ("TOS") may be updated at any time, without notice, at the sole discretion of The Elon Report. All members are forced to re-accept any changes made to these terms of service.
These TOS govern any and all services that encompass The Elon Report, and are not inclusive. You are not entitled to these private services or have any guaranteed rights. You have the privilege of using any service offered by The Elon Report and these privileges can be taken away at any time. If you do not agree with these TOS, do not register or use The Elon Report. Use of our service constitutes acceptance of these TOS.
1. You remain solely responsible for your posted content and actions. Furthermore, you agree to indemnify and hold harmless the owners of The Elon Report, any related websites, its staff, and its subsidiaries.
2. You are granting us with a non-exclusive, permanent, irrevocable, unlimited license to use, publish, or re-publish your content in connection with The Elon Report. You retain copyright over the content.
User accounts
1. We do not restrict multiple accounts, as we have no way to prevent it. Representing yourself as a third party is not permitted.
2. Username changes are handled automatically by the system based on seniority; do not ask staff. Your username history will be public to other users.
3. Your username may not contain any profanity and/or vulgar words. Anything we consider to be profane or vulgar will be reversed and the offending user will be warned.
4. You must keep you account information confidential. You are not permitted to login under another person's account at any time, even if they give you their permission and account information. If you give information out you will be suspended, and anyone logging in to said account will also be suspended.
General guidelines
1. Please keep posts in their proper forums. We provide descriptions of each forum.
2. Be courteous and respect your fellow members (i.e. do unto others as you expect them to do unto you). Personal attacks, aggressive messages, and passive-aggressive behavior does not build a community. If you take issue with another member and are unable to civilly and constructively reply to their posts, we provide a tool to ignore the member.
3. When posting images, you should use an image hosting service. Linking directly to images hosted on other sites can be considered bandwidth theft and is not good practice; any linked images can be changed or removed from the host site at any time, resulting in unexpected results or broken links.
4. No multi-posting (successive replies without editing your previous posts). Use the edit command to merge them together. This also includes posting the same thread in multiple forums. This may also be done by a moderator (with a system note).
5. Do not abuse the reputation system, or you may receive negative reputation by other members. Do not ask others to rate you. E.g., "Like if you agree".
Spamming, trolling and other disruptive behaviors
1. Promotional links with referral or affiliate ids, etc. are not allowed in threads, posts, comments, conversations, profile posts, custom titles, status posts, etc. You are allowed such links only in your signature or in advertising. Continued spamming of any area in this community may lead to suspension.
2. Disruptive behaviors such as trolling, flaming, etc. are tolerated as free speech, but you are responsible for your actions.
Disallowed content
1. No "warez" talk or anything relating to illegal distribution of copyrighted materials such as movies, games, emulator roms, software, music, television programs, website designs, pictures, artwork, and so forth. Debating these issues is permitted, however directly incriminating yourself and your activities via your posts (whether using a link, or directly attaching or including it within the post) subject the post or thread to be removed or edited at any time for your own protection, and ours.
2. No postings of pornographic pictures, avatars, videos, profile pictures, or outside links are permitted on this website. Suggestive PG-13 is fine (such as cleavage or a thong) when used as part of the conversation, but no explicit nudity is allowed.
3. No threats of violence, no begging and no unneccessary bumping.
Site concerns and staff disputes
If you have a problem with our report, it's decisions or policies, or with a moderator you are welcome to bring this to the attention of the Founder. Please leave a reasonable amount of time for a response; it's not unusual to wait 24-48 hours or more for a proper investigation and response.
Final words...
This list is not exhaustive. If you are creative and find a way to break the system, we will update our TOS to be fair to all members. While users will not be banned, suspension length will be increased.
Ignorance is not a valid excuse here.